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Nature reserves in Sjuhärad

Go on a journey of discovery in Sjuhärad's natural areas

Get ready to explore Sjuhärad's fantastic nature reserves. Step into a world of biodiversity, hiking trails and scenic views as you explore Sjuhärad's beautiful natural areas.

Nature reserve in Borås

In Borås there are a total of 16 nature reserves, of which Rya Åsar is probably one of Sweden's nearest nature reserves to a city. Some of the most popular nature reserves in Borås municipality are:

  • Vänga bog
  • Storsjön
  • Torpanäset
  • Rya Åsar
  • Älmås

Vänga bog, Storsjön and Torpanäset are partially accessible.

Nature reserves in Mark

There are a total of 12 nature reserves in Mark's municipality. Here there are reserves with breathtaking views - For example Hyltenäs hill and the beautiful valleys with reserves along the meandering river Viskan. Don't miss:

  • Liagärde
  • Ramhultafallet
  • Hyltenäs hill
  • Assbergs ravines
  • Stoms ridge

Nature reserves in Herrljunga

In Herrljunga there are three nature reserves and two Natura 2000 areas with great opportunities for outdoor activities. The three nature reserves in Herrljunga municipality are:

  • Molla beech forest
  • Ollestad
  • St. Mollungen

Nature reserves in Svenljunga

Svenljunga has five nature reserves, some of which are shared with the surrounding municipalities. Fegen is one of the larger ones and offers a large range of outdoor activities. The five nature reserves in Svenljunga municipality are

  • Fegen
  • Klev
  • Holmaberg
  • Bjällermossen
  • Buttorps rapids

Nature reserves in Ulricehamn

There are six nature and cultural reserves in Ulricehamn municipality. The largest is Komosse and it is also one of Sweden's finest wetlands. On Kråkeboberg and Korpeboberg there are wonderful views. Some of the nature reserves in Ulricehamn municipality are:

  • Komosse
  • Hössna Prästgård
  • Kråkebo
  • Korpebobergs lövskogar
  • Önnarp

Nature reserves in Tranemo

Tranemo has five nature reserves and five Natura 2000 areas. Most famous is Torpanäset where Torpa Stenhus and Hofsnäs Herrgård are located. The five nature reserves in Tranemo municipality are:

  • Moghult
  • Torpanäset
  • Skårtebo
  • Komosse
  • Komosse södra

Naturområden i Bollebygd

There are no nature reserves in Bollebygd municipality. However, there are several pleasant natural areas that are well suited for forest walks, runs and other outdoor activities. Two of the most popular nature areas in Bollebygd are:

  • Hulta damm
  • Rävaberget