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Fotograf: Jonas Ingman

Find the cycle trail Sjuhäradsrundan

Sjuhäradrundan is a cycling route that returns to the same place you started. It doesn't matter where you start, but you can adapt depending on where you start from. Here you will find information on how to find the trail in the various municipalities.


Getting to Borås

The train station is centrally located in Borås and has connections to Gothenburg, Herrljunga/Uddevalla, Växjö/Kalmar and Varberg. Borås is also a hub for national highways 40, 41, 42, and 47.

Find the trail in Borås

Starting your cycle tour in Borås? If you choose to start your cycling in the city centre, we suggest that you aim for Bryggaregatan and follow the cycle path out towards Åhaga. Just before Åhaga, take the cycle bridge over Road 41/27 and follow Katrinedalsgatan until you reach the roundabout, where you have a suitable starting point for the trail regardless of which direction you want to choose.

If you come by car and want to go directly on the trail with your bicycle, it may be appropriate to start at Hedvigsborg. Follow the signs towards Road 41/27, at the Circkle K petrol station in Hedvigsborg, take a left at the roundabout and turn towards the football field. There are free parking spaces here and you can easily get through the road gate to follow the trail out towards Gånghester/Dalsjöfors or the other direction towards Transåssjön/Kindsbanan.


Find the trail in Ulricehamn

Starting in Ulricehamn? A suitable place to start the tour is at the Harbour area, which is located along Strandgatan and lake Åsunden, just below the city centre and its pedestrian street.

If you choose to start your cycling in Ulricehamn and come by car, drive towards the centre and then follow the sign to Hamnen (Harbour). There are free parking spaces in the harbour area. You then only have 10 meters to the embankment.


Find the trail inTranemo

Starting your cycle tour in Tranemo? If you choose to start your cycle tour here, it is best to do so at the parking lot opposite the church, which is located along Brogatan and Lake Tranemosjön. Here you can also leave the car parked during your cycling journey. Then follow the cycle path in the direction you want to cycle and take note of the red and white signage.

Regardless of which direction you come to Tranemo by car, you must follow the road into the centre and on towards Lake Tranemo and Tranemo church. If you have your own bicycle, park opposite the church and start your bicycle tour in the desired direction. If you want to rent a bike, it is possible to do so at Glasets hus in Limmared. 

It is also possible to take the train here, with a stop in Limmared. The trail is right next to the platform, so it is possible to start your cycling there.


Find the trail in Svenljunga

Starting in Svenljunga? If you come by car, it is fine to park the car in the square. If you then follow Kinnagatan/Brogatan east (towards the bridge and the roundabout) you can follow the signs and cycle towards Ullasjö, Uddebo and Tranemo. If you want to go in the other direction, take Kinnagatan to the west and then turn right onto the embankment by the theatre/cinema. This road follows the old railway line towards Sexdrega and then Borås.