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Find the tourist offices in Sjuhärad

Are you going on holiday to Sjuhärad and want the very best tips? Then it is the tourist offices in the various municipalities that you should turn to. They can provide you with tourist brochures and maps of the area. You can find opening hours on the respective municipality's website.


Bollebygd Tourist Information Office

Bollebygd's tourist information can be found in the municipal office's reception in the town square.

Address: Ballebovägen 2
Telephone: 0734-64 70 08
Email: annika.eriksson@bollebygd.se 

To the website




Borås Tourist Information Office

Borås tourist information is located at the Textile Fashion Center.

Address: Skaraborgsvägen 3A
Telephone: 033-35 70 90
Email: hej@boras.com 

To the website




Herrljunga Tourist Information Office

Herrljunga tourist information is located in two places; Library/culture house in Herrljunga and the book café in Od.

Address: Torget 1
Telephone: 0513-170 00
Email: turistinfo@herrljunga.se

To the website



Mark Tourist Information Office

Marks tourist information is located at the municipal office in Kinna.

Address: Boråsvägen 40
Telephone: 0320-21 70 00
Email: destination@mark.se 

To the website




Svenljunga Tourist Information Office

Svenljunga tourist information shares a building with the municipal library.

Address: Kinnagatan 2
Telephone: 0325-180 00
Email: kommun@svenljunga.se

To the website




Tranemo Tourist Information Office

Tranemo tourist information is only digital.

Telephone: 0325 57 60 30
Email: turistbyra@tranemo.se 

To the website




Ulricehamn Tourist Information Office

Ulricehamns tourist information is located next to Ulricehamn bus station.

Address: Järnvägstorget 2B
Telephone: 0321-59 59 59
Email: turist@nuab.eu 

To the website




Infopoints in Sjuhärad

In addition to each municipality's official tourist office, there are several Infopoints around Sjuhärad. You can find find a simpler range of tourist brochures and maps at various hotels, restaurants or cafes. Below is a selection of Infopoints, to see them all we refer to the respective municipality's tourism website.

Selection of Infopoints in Sjuhärad:

  • Basta Kvarn
  • Ellas Garderob
  • Frendo Annelund
  • Glasets Hus
  • Gällstad Ylle
  • Hemma på Källebacka
  • Herrljunga sportcenter
  • Hofsnäs Herrgård
  • Holsljunga Camping
  • Hotell Lassalyckan
  • Kroksjöns Fiskecamp
  • Limmareds Säteri
  • Skotteksgården Camping & Stugby
  • Torpa Stenhus