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What is Sjuhärad

Get to know our beloved Sjuhärad

What exactly is Sjuhärad or Sjuhäradsbygden? Where is it located, why is it called that and which municipalities are included in the term? On this page you will find out all that and much more.

Five quick facts about Sjuhärad

  • What is Sjuhärad?

Sjuhärad is a beautiful inland area where over 100 lakes intersperse with hilly forest, beautiful pastures and meadows. It is a sub-regional informal region in southern Västergötland with eight municipalities and Borås is the largest city.

  • Why is it called Sjuhärad?

The name Sjuhärad comes from the fact that it is a collection of seven districts, i.e. parishes that were part of a certain area where there was a common court under the leadership of a district chief. The expression "Sjuhäradsbygden" was coined in 1919. Here you can read more about Sjuhärad's history Sjuhärads history.

  • Which are the seven districts?

Historically, Sjuhäradsbygden includes the seven counties of Gäsene, Ås, Veden, Bollebygd, Mark, Kind and Redväg. Nowadays, the municipalities of Bollebygd, Borås, Herrljunga, Mark, Svenljunga, Tranemo, and Ulricehamn are usually counted as Sjuhärad.

  • What is Sjuhärad known for?

The area has been known for many years for its textile industry and its mills. Today, the area is thriving with strong entrepreneurship, also called the 'Knalle' spirit, with, among other things, the majority of headquarters in the textile industry located in our region, an expanding textile college and world-leading research in textiles and design.

  • How is the nature in Sjuhärad?

The nature around Sjuhärad is made for hiking and other excursions. The terrain is varied and diverse, ranging from open cultural landscapes to large forests, moderately hilly and rich in lakes. The trails run through areas that often have something exciting to tell about their history. In Sjuhärad there are also many great cycling opportunities. Choose whether you want to cycle on a car-free embankment, winding dirt roads or low-traffic country roads in beautiful nature. We have both longer cycle trails and smaller circular loops.

Sjuhärads stripe is designed as a reference to the cultural heritage that shaped our history. The stripes form the pattern of a rug and the colours symbolize our Seven Kingdoms: the earth, the streams, the forests, the lakes, the mosses, the rocks and finally, through the brilliant orange color: the cloth kingdom and...