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M/S Bellevue

Boat trips on the Göta Canal with the popular M/S Bellevue

Travelling along the Göta Canal on a passenger boat will stay in your memory forever. M/S Bellevue is normally berthed in Sjötorp and can be chartered by groups, companies and associations. Thanks to plenty of space, the boat has become one of the most popular on the Göta Canal.

Boat trips along the Göta Canal

M/S Bellevue travels from Sjötorp to Töreboda and vice versa on day trips during the summer. The boat goes in one direction and there is a free bus connection back to the starting point, which is included in the ticket. Lunch can be added to your trip and coffee are available on board the boat. You can also take a trip on M/S Bellevue on a shrimp expedition and a multi-day cruise.


Mariestads Skärgårdstrafik AB

Norrgatan 5

54873 Lyrestad

Telefon: +46 706 11 14 70

E-Mail: info@gotakanal.net

Homepage: gotakanal.net