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Fotograf: Nils-Erik Eriksson

Rödberg hiking trail
Östersidan Skaftö

Hiking trail with magnificent view

Hiking trail over Rödberget next to the beach Rödbersvik at Östersidan with wonderful views of the Gullmar fjord and Lysekil


Quick facts

Length: 1 km


Timing: 25 min


Difficulty: Moderate


Terrain: Nature trail over the rocky ground and partly smaller roads


A detour from the coastal path marked with the same blue colour

The easiest way to get to the Rödberg hiking trail is perhaps to start from the ferry stop at Östersidan, follow the Coastal Path marked with blue towards the Klubban Biological Station (Uppsala University) and the beach Rödbergsvik. From the beach, the trail turns offwards past an area of and new houses in Evensås. The road splits up the hill. Keep left up over the mountain. Follow the road down towards the water on the other side. Just before the small road turns into a private area on the left, the Rödberg hiking trail continues to the right along a small ravine.

Adventurous trail over the mountain

The trail is moderately difficult / difficult and goes over the mountain with a breathtaking view of the Gullmars fjord. The blue dots are painted on the mountain, on trees or loose stones. Further on, the trail turns up around and through a birch that folds its branches down over the trail. At the end of the trail is a wooden sign indicating hiking trail / Rödberg hiking trail. From there you can continue the Coastal Path with the same blue colour but well marked on wooden poles.

Details zum Weg


1 km

Ungefähre Dauer:

15 minutes


Blue dots painted on the rocky ground, on trees or loose stones. At the end of the trail is a wooden sign indicating vandringsled / Rödbergleden.


Up and down the nature trail to reach the highest point of the cliff the hiking trail is quite challenging.

Start und Ziel:

The easiest way to find the hiking trail Rödberg is to start from the ferry stop at Östersidan, follow the Kuststigen marked with blue towards Klubban Biological Station (Uppsala University) and the beach at Rödbergsvik. From there, the hiking trail turns off upwards towards Evensås. The road splits up the hill. Keep left up the hill. Here is the sign "Rödbergsleden".

The hiking trail ends on the other side of the cliff. From there it is not far to continue to Koskär bathing area. At the end of the trail is a wooden sign indicating vandringsled / Rödbergsleden. From there you can continue Kuststigen with its blue pole markings.

So finden Sie hierher:

There is a parking area at the ferry stop at Östersidan, Skaftö. Follow Kustleden marked with blue towards Klubban Biological station (Uppsala University) and past the beach Rödbergsvik. Continue the path that turns upwards between the houses and when the road splits there is a sign indicating "Rödbergsleden". The sign says turn left.

The trail ends on the other side of the cliff. From here Kustleden, the coastal path, continues with its blue pole markings.


You can find a route map on Google maps and if you want a printed map, it is available at Infopoints in Lysekil municipality.

If you are interested in more scenic hikes on Skaftö - check out Skaftö – en livslång kärlek with a map which is also printable.


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