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Aerial view on a stone church.

Fotograf: Jesper Anhede

Historical Husaby

Husaby has been attracting visitors for over a thousand years. Olof Skötkonung, Sweden’s first Christian king, was baptised here, and in the early Middle Ages Husaby was one of the most important settlements in the country, with its church, bishop’s castle and holy wells.

Many visitors come to the rural idyll of Husaby to walk in the footsteps of Olof Skötkonung, to experience history stretching back to the Stone Age and to explore some of the other visitor attractions nearby.

One good way to experience all the sights in Husaby is to follow the Kungsstig (King’s trail), which is around 1.5 kilometres long.
Along the route you pass sights such as Husaby church, Biskopsborgen (the bishop’s castle) and St Sigfrid’s well. Benches are sited at several points, where you can sit for a while and take in your surroundings. Once you get back from your walk, you can enjoy refreshments at the local heritage centre.

First Christian king
Husaby is best known for the fact that Olof Skötkonung was baptised here around 1000 AD. He reigned from the 990s until his death in 1022 and is generally regarded as the first king to rule over both Svealand and Götaland.

St Sigfrid’s well is the spot where Olof Skötkonung was baptised by the English bishop Sigfrid, after whom the well is named. The stones around the well bear carved signatures from Swedish royalty who have visited the site. The well is still used for baptisms today.

Husaby Church and bishop’s castle
Husaby Church with its majestic triple tower from the 11th century is Sweden’s first cathedral and is now one of the oldest buildings in the country. The interior retains its mediaeval atmosphere. The font and triumphal crucifix in Husaby Church date from the 13th century, as does the ancient bishop’s seat, which is one of the oldest items of furniture in Sweden.

The bishop’s castle probably belonged to Olof Skötkonung and was subsequently the residence of the Skara bishops in Husaby up until the reformation in 1527. The castle underwent several stages of construction. The oldest section is probably from the 12th century, although there are remains here that are significantly older.

More visitor attractions
One kilometre east of Husaby are the petroglyphs at Flyhov. These date from the Bronze Age and are unusually large for inland examples. Another popular visitor attraction is Lasse of the Mountain’s Cave, which is approximately two kilometres west of Husaby Church. Lasse was a local character who lived here for 30 years with his wife Inga in the late 19th century.