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Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad

Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad was born 4 th of june 1870, in the little village of Fåglavik in Herrljunga On the 5 th of June 2016 she was canonised by the pope Franciskus in Rome, Italy.

Fotograf: B. Saunders

  • Dockhuset - Elisabeth Hesselblads birth house.

    Saint Elisabeth´s birthplace

Fåglavik - The birthplace of Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad

In the the village of Fåglavik was Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad born in 1870. The house where Elisabeth was born, is open for the public to visit. Here you also can see the memorial of Elisabeth by the chapel. The village of Fåglavik have an interesting history and here you find more remarkable natureformation frome the iceage but also more resently historic memorial from the Fåglaviks Glassworks. Take your time and experience Fåglavik in the area of Herrljunga.