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Welcome! Visit the birthplace of Saint Mary Elisabeth Hesselblad!

Birthplace of Saint Elisabeth Hesselblad and a preserved artist's home after Jan van den Bergen & Lia Schubert


Elisabeth Hesselblads birthplace

Elisabeth was born in Fåglavik, Sweden on June 4, 1870, and died in Rome on April 24, 1957. 
Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad was saintly declared by Pope Francis at St. Peter's church in Rome , Sunday, June 5 2016.
On April 9, 2000 Elisabeth Hesselblad was blessed by Pope John Paul II.

The Hesselblad family was owner of a farmshop in Fåglavik and they lived on the second floor of the same house.
When Maria Elisabeth is to be born, no midwife can´t be found when it is time. The parents ask Stina for help, an elderly woman in the neighborhood.

However, everything is going well. Stina raises the newborn Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad, places her on the stone in front of the stove. Why are you doing so - asks the new mum? 
Stina stops and says; The child must be cured, she has great trials ahead of her, and will be something very special. Only much later, did this incident emerge as a strange prohibition. 

Elisabeth reformed the Birgittin Order

Maria Elisabeth Hesselblad founded the Birgittin Order, SS Salvatoris S. Brigidae, The Order of Our Savior. 

Elisabeth was working as a nurse, in U.S.A., but she became sick and after time there after Elisabeth Hesselblad moved to Italy. She became a nun and reformed the Birgittin Order in Rome with special emphasis on contemplation, charity for the needy and Christian unity. She was a pioneer in the ecumenical dialogue.
During the German occupation of Rome she hid several Jews in the monastery on Piazza Farnese and organized a temporary synogogue there. The State of Israel has awarded her - as one of few Swedes - the award Righteous among the Nations .

The Swedish branch of the Birgittin Order today has over fifty monasteries in different countries. It is represented in Sweden in Djursholm and Falun .

Preserved artist home of Jan Van den Bergen and Lia Schubert

Saint Elisabeth's birth house is also a preserved artist's home after the artist Jan van den Bergen who lived in the house from 1988-2010. (1938-2010) You can see his paintings in the house. He was married to dance educator and choreographer Lia Schubert who founded the Ballet Academy in 1957 in Stockholm. (1926-1999).

Welcome to visit Saint Elisabeth birthhouse!


Elisabeth Hesselblads födelsehus, Dockskåpet


524 92 Fåglavik, Herrljunga

Telefon: +46 0706 821379 

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