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Mösseberg has a huge open-air recreational area with picturesque views. Mösseberg offers a wide variety of hiking trails, exercise tracks, mountain-biking trails and ski trails. This plateau mountain offers many other outdoor activities and beautiful views of Falköping. There is also an animal park with free entrance!

Winter on Mösseberg

Mösseberg recreation area is home to one of West Sweden’s best ski resorts, with four ski runs and four lifts. You will also find ski trails of varying lengths and levels of difficulty. Find out more about winter activities here!

Respect and take care of nature

Mösseberg is a fantastic natural area, with certain parts designated as nature reserves. Thanks to the Swedish Right of Public Access (or Allemansrätten) all this natural beauty can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone. This provides wonderful freedom, but also brings responsibility. You need to remember to show respect – for nature, wildlife and landowners. Take any food waste and litter home with you and only light fires in designated barbecue areas. Be aware of any applicable ban on lighting fires. Come and enjoy the scenery! 

Animal park

The animal park is located by the observation tower at Mösseberg. The park is home to a variety of different animals and has several play areas.

Lake Skogsjön

Lake Skogssjön or ‘Pankasjön’, as it is known by locals, is one of Falköping’s natural bathing spots. It has bathing jetties, a sandy beach, barbecue areas and...