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Dinner at Musselbaren

Fotograf: Katja Ragnstam

Mussel meatballs, rutabaga and dried southernwood

Sweden is updating its regional dishes. West Sweden will be offering, among other things, mussel meatballs, rutabaga and dried southernwood. Ragnerud kök in Högsäter, Musselbaren in Ljungskile and Bjertorp Slott in Kvänum have all been asked to create regional meals using local ingredients.


  • Region Västra Götaland’s regional meals have been developed by the West Sweden Tourist Board in collaboration with the County Administrative Board.

  • The organisations behind the work to produce Sweden’s new regional meals are Gastronomiska Akademien, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Måltidsakademien and Folkets Hus och Parker.

  • The presentation of Sweden’s new regional meals took place in Skånska Gruvan at Skansen on 20 October 2022. During 2023 the dishes will be prepared in differing contexts, not least in connection with Stockholm’s status as European Capital of Gastronomy 2023.

The idea behind the new regional meals is to promote Swedish food culture and rural development. Sweden has 25 regions, 3 of which – Bohuslän stretching along the coastline, Dalsland and Västergötland lying inland to the north and south - are in West Sweden. There are actually 26 new regional meals as Stockholm has its own one.

Regional dishes have been around for a while. Previously, Västergötland’s dish was ‘grynkorv’, a cooked sausage made with barley groats. The innovative new regional dishes have been developed with sustainability in mind, shaping the entire meal including drinks, crockery and textiles – and all representing West Sweden’s fantastic pantry, with its many unique local flavours, in different ways. 

West Sweden’s Regional Menus

Bohuslän’s menu from Musselbaren in Ljungskile


  • Bohuslän Tapas with Salt mackerel, 67˚ egg, chanterelle cream, crispy kale and herbs,
  • Grebbebstad oysters, fennel, Fräkne Tång Gin jelly, horseradish foam, sugar kelp and herbs
  • Sous vide langoustine tail, crisp fried sea lettuce, sour cream, rosehip caviar and herbs
  • Drinks: Klocktornet Fräkne Tång Gin and Musselbaren’s beer from Smögenbryggar’n

Main course

  • Musselballs, mussel foam, creamed parsnips, raw stirred lingonberries, pickled apple and herbs
  • Drink: Musselbaren’s beer from Smögenbryggar’n


  • Äggost with Fräkne spruce schnapps, sea buckthorn cream, sea buckthorn crisp, roasted oat snow and spruce shoots.
  • Drink: Klocktornet Matsup Fräkne Gran

Restaurant Musselbaren

Dalslands menu from Ragnerud kök in Högsäter


  • Pike quenelles dressed in garden apples, pickled mustard seeds, rapeseed oil and cucumber water, cucumber powder and pike caviar.
  • Drink: Calvadal Cider from Edsleskog

Main course

  • Baked saddle of rabbit with smoked celeriac terrine, roasted rye, hazelnuts, mushroom cream, rabbit gravy, fermented wild garlic, celery leaves and southernwood.
  • Drink: Smedjan Pale Ale from Brukskällan in Bäckefors


  • Girolle mousse with white chocolate, bilberry pearls, spruce snow, caramelised winter chanterelle, bilberry coral biscuits, birch sap syrup, red ants and oxalis (wood sorrel)
  • Drink: Coffee from Hansen’s coffee roastery in Fengersfors and Calvadal (Dalsland apple spirit) from Edleskog

Ragnerud kök


Västergötland’s menu from Bjertorp Slott in Kvänum


  • Ox carpaccio, Vänerlöjrom vendace roe and Jerusalem artichoke
  • Drink: Champagne André Heucq Héritage Blanc de Meunier

Main course

  • Barley risotto, rutabaga and Wrångebäck cheese
  • Drink: Helgas Hembrygd from the local Qvänum Mat & Malt brewery


  • Apples, Ryttmästarbrännvin (Cavalry Captain’s Snaps), oat and hay ice cream
  • Drink: Sparkling Apple Juice from Bramleys in Lidköping

Bjertorps slott


More about Eat & Drink in West Sweden



  • Region Västra Götaland’s regional meals have been developed by the West Sweden Tourist Board in collaboration with the County Administrative Board.

  • The organisations behind the work to produce Sweden’s new regional meals are Gastronomiska Akademien, The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, Måltidsakademien and Folkets Hus och Parker.

  • The presentation of Sweden’s new regional meals took place in Skånska Gruvan at Skansen on 20 October 2022. During 2023 the dishes will be prepared in differing contexts, not least in connection with Stockholm’s status as European Capital of Gastronomy 2023.