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Nature in Dalsland

Fotograf: Jonas Ingman

Snäcke tour with pleasure boat

A tour through Snäcke canal, from Lake Vänern to Fröskog. A calm and scenic route for those who want to experience something new on the Dalsland canal. The tour takes you to Dalsland's largest cultural center Not Quite in Fengersfors, a popular attraktion with art, food and culture. A perfect trip for a weekend.

Snäcke tour

The Snäcke tour takes you to the lakes Ånimmen and Ärr, past the mountains of Sörknatten and all the way to Fröskog / Fengersfors. An area that is bursting with creativity and history. The trip is perfect for a weekend.

Travel time Köpmannebro to Fröskog: approx. 4 h.

Recommended travel time: 2-3 days.

Number of lock stations: 3 (Köpmannebro, Snäcke, Strömmen)

Number of guest harbors along the way: 2 (Köpmannebro & Upperud) + guest jetty in Fröskog

Service, see & do

Köpmannebro: Lock station, guest harbor, ice cream café and fuel.
Upperud: Dalsland Art Museum, café and guest harbor.
Ånimskog: Larsson's farm shop, nice coves for swimming
Fröskog: Guest jetty without facilities but close to B&B and hiking trails. About 2.5 km to Not Quite, café, bakery and general store

Price from SEK 310
Any overnight stay in the guest harbor is paid in the guest harbor.


Digital map

Restaurants, cafes, guest harbors, attractions & services

Return ticket

Boat length Price
<4,99 m SEK 270  
5-6,49 m SEK 470  
6,49-7,99 m SEK 690
8-9,99 m SEK 910 
10-13,99 m SEK 1250
>14 m SEK 1700

Explore the Snäcke canal in the southern part of the Dalsland canal. Beautiful nature, culture, cute lock stations and and fewer boats on the lakes.  

Book the tour

Book your trip in advance and get all your lock tickets in one and you will get through the canal more easily.

More tours

The Dalsland canal is not a straight canal but rather a labyrinth of large and small lakes. There are therefore plenty of beautiful tours to choose from. This means that you can visit the canal again and again and constantly find new tours.