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Ein Teil von
boat at lake Lelång during evening

Fotograf: Christiane Dietz

Dimensions, depth and speed

Dalsland's canal is considered to be one of the most beautiful waterways in Europe and consists of a string of lake, bays, fjords and tributaries. The canal take you from the western side of Lake Vänern, through the province of Dalsland, into the province of Värmland, up to the Norwegian border and into Norway.

Length of the canal: 253 km, 12 km excavated canal
Number of locks: 31 (17 lock stations) 
Highest elevation above sea level: 102 m
Year of construction: 1864-1868
Builder: Nils Ericson 

Maximum boat dimensions

Here are the conditions for your boat to be able to sail through the lock station at Dalsland Canal.

Length 22.75 m
Width 4.05 m
Maximum draught 1.8 m


Vertical clearance

To Lennartsfors 17 m
To Töcksfors 15 m
To Ed 14.5 m
Snäcke canal 14 m
The Silarna secondary waterway (upstream Gustavsfors) 11.75 m


In order for you to easily and safely get through our lock stations, the boat must be equipped with:

  • Two boat hooks
  • Four or five fenders
  • Life jackets for everyone on board

Top speed on canal

In canals: 3 knots (see nautical chart)
In the lakes and other parts of the canal, the speed limit stated on the nautical chart 956 (Dalslands kanal) applies. Remember to always adjust the speed and to show consideration for residents, fellow canal travelers and wildlife.

Nautical chart

2020 a new combined nautical chart for the Trollhätte Canal and the Dalsland canal was published (Båtsportkort Trollhätte kanal - Dalslands kanal 2020). It includes maps, information about guest harbours, fairways, service, sights and canal history.  The chart is printed on water resistant paper.
Price: SEK 560 exclusive postage. Only available in Swedish.
You can order it in our webshop

If an accident occurs

All boats that use the Dalsland Canal are required to have valid boat liability insurance. The skipper/owner/owner is responsible to have one. See general conditions and traffic regulations.


If you have any questions, please contact Dalslands kanal AB
Phone: +46(0)530-44750