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Hike in Dals-Ed

Nature marked by the Ice Age


In Dals-Ed, nature is wild and beautiful. Experience a landscape where you can clearly see how the Ice Age's ice has moved past. Plenty of beautiful hiking trails and nature reserves. In Dalsland's national park Tresticklan, you can hike in unbroken wilderness for several days.


Tresticklan National Park

Between the big Lake Stora Le and the Norwegian border lies Tresticklan National Park, with an area of ​​30 square kilometers is the largest roadless and undeveloped forest area in southern Sweden. Here you can hike on well kept hiking trails in untouched forests with beautiful lakes and unique terrain.

Tips before the hike

  • Always bring plenty of water with you when hiking.
  • Wear comfortable and well-fitting shoes to avoid chafing.
  • Long pants protect against ticks and other bites.
  • Dress for the weather in layers upon layers.
  • If it's sunny - wear a hat or cap.
  • If you're hiking alone, always tell someone where you're going and when you expect to be back.
    If you are unsure of the map and compass, always follow marked trails. It's easy to get lost.