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Fotograf: Lars Eric Fjellman

Kednäs Nature reserve

Beautiful nature reserve with hiking trail by Lake Edslan

Kednäs is an old rectory croft connected to Edsleskog's church. The croft is known since the 17th century. Today the area is a nature reserve with flora like heather, violet and sedum.

Nowadays, the former farmland is partially overgrown with deciduous forest. There are still occasional traces of previous farming efforts in the form of felled trees.

Hiking trail

Length: 2.5 km
Type of trail: Loop
The trail offers everything from giant oaks, mountain slopes, stream valleys, old stony forest and shimmering green lakes. The terrain is sometimes demanding. The hiker is treated to a fine view of lake Edslan and the Kednäs croft. At Slommetjärnet there is a nice place right by the water, which is made for a coffee break and maybe a swim. At the parking lot there is a nice stop at Kednäsviken.


Edsleskogs Wärdshus
If you want to stay overnight, Edsleskogs Wärdshus is not far from the trail. Beautifully located by lake Edslan.


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Find your way here

Kednäs is located by Lake Edslan in Edsleskog. From road 164 Åmål - Bengtsfors, turn by the bridgeway, just where the road leaves the water outside Edsleskog. No signage here. Then follow the signs towards the nature reserve along the small dirt road. After 1 km there is a parking space and information board (N59.060505 O12.431380).




66291 Åmål

Telefon: +46 010 224 4000

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