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Fotograf: Alingsås kommun

Vildmarksleden hiking trail

Close to the city, convenient and well worth visiting

Even though the Vildmarksleden hiking trail is close to city it really lives up to its name. After hiking a kilometer or two you will find serenity, calm and silence, all together with beautiful views of the lakes you will pass.

The whole area where the trail is is a nature preserve. You will find many places perfect for a "fika", so make sure to bring a thermos with coffee and a sandwich or bun with you.

The whole trail is about 10 kilometres with blue markings along the way. The easiest way is to start at "Hjortgården", the local orienteering clubs own house.

Click here to see a map over the hiking trail and surrounding area.


Alingsås kommun/OK Skogshjortarna

441 81 Alingsås

Telefon: +4632261 60 00

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