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Västergötlands museum

Discover the exciting story of mankind

Västergötland Museum lies in the heart of a rich cultural landscape. Over 10,000 years of the county’s history are reflected in the museum. See and feel what life was like in medieval Skara. Admire the well-preserved Bronze Age shields, take in the exciting exhibition about how the ice age influenced people, and meet Kata - the woman who ruled over the large farm in Varnhem in the 11th century.

Discover the historical legacy

Västergötland Museum is a cultural centre with a wide range of activities. The museum has several permanent exhibitions, including Skara in the Middle Ages; Kata, her life and position in Varnhem at the end of the Viking era; reconstructions of prehistoric Västergötland; and Agnes de Frumerie's life works. You’ll also find Sweden's oldest book and piece of furniture in the museum.


Art Exhibitions

Västergötland Museum's art exhibitions are popular, and each year The Agnes de Frumerie Memorial Scholarship is awarded to an artist, offering them a solo exhibition at the museum. Check the website for the current program.

Coffee break in front of the fireplace

It’s easy to spend many hours looking at the museum's fascinating exhibitions. That's why a coffee break with a cake is so welcome at some point during your visit. Take a seat in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee in your hand and listen to the crackling of the fire. The museum shop also has a lot of interesting items for sale.


The ancient village next to the museum

Fornbyn, the ancient village, is where you can walk around twenty-odd buildings from the 19th century and get an idea of what the old peasant society looked like. During the summer the place is alive with many public events in this 19th century environment.


Would you like more ideas about what you can find nearby? Västergötland Museum is a certified InfoPoint where you can pick up brochures and maps and knowledgeable staff can help with your questions about the area.

Contact information

Västergötlands museum


53223 Skara

Phone: +46 511 260 00

E-mail: info@vgmuseum.se

Website: To homepage